2020 Chardonnay
For 2020 I have gone back to Brehm for a Carneros Chardannay, mostly because they were picked before most of fires and thus should not have any smoke taint. When I was ready to get my grapes health issues in the family limited my options.
11/9/20 Just realized I had the wrong year on my postings, sorry for the confusion. Just be glad when 2020 is over.
3 October 2020
I ordered four (4) pails (~5,25 gallons each) of Chardonnay from Brehm on 25 September. I picked them up from the warehouse in Richmond, CA on 29 September. They were frozen pretty solid, so I let them defrost for 2 days and opened them on 1 October.
According to Brehm the basic analysis should be:
Brix TA pH YAN
My measurement (after stirring) was
S.G. Brix pH
1.102 25.4 3.5
I will test TA latter (after my test kits from ACCUVIN arrive). Also I do not test for YAN (personal preference).
To each pail I added: More Wine
BF995 - Brehm White additive pack
Added at start
• TAN250 — Tannin FT Blanc Soft (3g)
• AD356 — Opti-White (15g)
Added 2 hours later
• AD343 — Go-Ferm Protect (10 g)
1 & 2
• DYW56D — Dry
Wine Yeast - ICV-D47 -
This year I am going to try co-innoculation for malolactic fermentation. I added today to each pail:
• AD345 — Fermaid K (8 g)
• DYWM7 — Dry Maloactic Bacteria - Viniflora CH16
10 October 2020
The most interesting part was that when the fermentation started it went fast, to the point of overflowing the containers.
The wine has now gone through primary fermentation and on to secondary and settling.
On 9 October 2020 I racked to four - 5 gallon carboys. To each I added 1/2 teaspoon polyact and and 1 Tablespoon of bentonite.
Should look a lot clearer in about a week.
9 November 2020
Finished secondary fermentation and intial clearing. Now have it on a slight amount of oak. Also added some Potassium Metabisulfite.
The red wine is some of last years syrah that I have still not bottled (about 6+ gallons).
May 2021
Well it actually turned out well. Bottled the wine at the end of May.
17 December 2021
The wine is very drinkable, and I am on to my next wine (Crush 2021)